Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What is wrong with Overalls???

In all seriousness, what is wrong with wearing overalls? My friends were all making fun of me the other night because I still own overalls (several pairs in several different colors actually) and I still wear my capri overalls in the summer. What is wrong with that? They are the most comfortable thing that you could ever wear and I think they are dang cute. Did I not receive the memo that said overalls were banned forever? If there was a memo somebody better show it to me for proof cause I am absolutely NOT convinced.
These overalls (shown) are on sale at Bloomingdale's for $268.00. I would never pay 268.00 for any article of clothing but doesn't that prove to all of you overall haters that they are obviously still being sold? What is wrong with overalls? I would appreciate all the feedback I can get on this one. No offense will be taken. :)


Fig said...

Wear whatever you want is what I say. I haven't seen anyone wearing "bibs" in a long time, but that's no reason not to, if you like them. If the question is are they still trendy, no, I don't think they are . . . but I wear tons of stuff that's not trendy. For me, clothes are more about what I can afford, what's comfortable, and what I look good in than what's considered cool by societal standards.

So, short answer: wear your bibs and rock them! Just don't cut the pockets off.

Kelly Sedinger said...

Absolutely nothing is wrong with overalls! Wear them with pride. (And besides, they'll come back "into fashion" sometime, they always do.)

Bethany said...

You look adorable in anything, Natalie, so don't worry. Wear your overalls.

Molly Bea said...

Okay honey, let's talk. You know I am NOT a fashion icon, but there are certain things I get right...and even though I do hear that overalls ARE indeed making a small, VERY small comeback, there are some things that you need to let go matter how hard it is. Let me put it this way...remember how when we met you had bangs? Yeah. I was right then, and I'm right now. LET THEM GO!

Molly Bea said...

P.S. my blatant honesty...that's why you love me!

Anonymous said...

nat you know you can pull of anything... even good ole overalls!

Newmans said...

They may be comfy, but come on. . . what is cute about them?!?!?

WareHouse said...

I do remember thinking they were cute in high school but then they really dropped off the planet at some point for some reason...and I've never thought about them since.

So, yeah, I'm gonna have to go with: OUT. And just like I keep waiting for poofy permed 80s hair to come back, I'll wait for overalls...but I have very little hope for either trend ever coming back full force.

Katie said...

Please just don't wear them with only one strap done up...New Kids On The Block style!