If I were an animal, I would be a....GIRAFFE, no doubt, check out my neck!!!
If I were a city, I would be....probably PROVO as sad as that is to admit!
If I were a flower, I would be a...BRIGHT PINK DAISY
If I were a vegetable, I would be a...JALAPENO, cause their spicy :)
If I were a color, I would be...ORANGE, LIME GREEN, BRING PINK OR TURQUOISE, I'd be happy with any one of these.
If I were a fruit, I would be a...RASPBERRY
If I were a season, I would be...SUMMER preferably in Utah. I love Utah summers, especially when they involve Lake Powell.
If I were a shoe, I would be a...A CUTE PAIR OF TENNIS SHOES, not ones you exercise with, heaven forbid I do that, just cute ones you wear with fun outfits!
If I were a vehicle, I would be a...as bad as I want to say a MINIVAN, I don't think that describes me the best, so I would have to say a SLUG BUG!
If I were an appliance, I would be a...CROCK POT, because they are always reliable.
wait, is a crock pot an appliance?
If I were a Disney character, I would be...GOOFY!!! That one's self explanatory.
If I were a time of day, I would be...9:00 p.m. kids are in bed and it's not to late to enjoy a good show and time with Daniel.
If I were an instrument, I would be...A DRUM SET, cause they are loud and sometimes annoying!
Now I get to tag all of my blogging buddies, every single one of you!
Tag, you're it!!!!
NICE! Love how you added all your pics, you're the expert blogger now!
That was awesome . . . and I used to have a black Beatle! Rock on!
Your new blogging skills are WICKED.
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