Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another one bites the dust...

I'm an emotional wreck today.
This stage in my life is almost over FOREVER and I'm not ok with it.
My friends are all starting to move away
It's killing me inside.
Not sure what I'm going to do without some of them.
(Major tear wipeage going on over here if anyone wants to come join me.)

Kessa is gone already...

Melanie is next...(sorry I don't have a cute picture of us Mel).

Then Lacey...

Once Fig leaves somebody just shoot me and take me out of my misery...
I can't go on with this post, (sorry friends who weren't mentioned).
Eventually everyone will be gone.
Right now I'm tramatized by that fact.
Where's my dang tissue?


Molly Bea said...

I'm sad for you!!! Living far away from family is only made okay by having good friends near! That totally sucks! Muah!

Melanie said...

You're so sweet, thanks for the mention even without a pic. I'm going to miss you a TON! I better see you in Utah one way or another!

Fig said...

Booz. That goggles picture is AWESOME.

And for the love, woman, pull yourself together! This is not the end of the world. Mormons can't escape each other.

The Happy Haynie Family said...