Sunday, October 12, 2008

This is how I knew...

First: Daniel walked into the kitchen naked (ooh baby) one night trying to determine if I was in the "mood" and I started bawling!!! He probably won't ever try that again :)

Second: I ate Chicken Spaghetti for breakfast one morning and have wanted it for breakfast on several other occasions. Except recently the thought of chicken makes me want to hurl unless it's fried, is that a problem?

Third: I suddenly developed a talent (as I see it) to devour gigantic hamburgers in approximately 5.3 seconds, no joke! Last trip to McDonalds I found myself thinking, "there wasn't anything BIG about that Big Mac! Where's the fries?"

YES! Bobik #3 is on the way, due the first part of May!!! I'm feeling fine as long as I don't get hungry and I'm already looking forward to the maternity clothes... seriously, bring on the full blown belly panel type comfort, this is #3 people!

Loves to all!


Melanie said...

I'm SO excited for you! I can't stop laughing about how you introduced your lesson...what would have happened if Christy never cleared that up for us? just kidding!

Fig said...

Male nudity makes me cry too.

What's this about a lesson introduction? You better tell me the story, pronto!

Bethany said...

Congratulations!!!! Three was much easier than two for us, (it was actually quite easy) and after that, they've been equally easy! Yea!!!

By-the-way, yes, isn't it crazy about Harper? Little Spanky D is all grown up!

Lacey Freeman said... make me laugh. I KNEW IT! For some reason, the thought crossed my mind the other day and I was suspicious (i can't figure out how to spell it right?) ever since. I am so excited for you guys!!! =)

faith said...

congratulations, natalie! how exciting!!!

{lindy baker cakes} said...

Yay Congrats Natalie! So happy for you guys!!!! She'll be beautiful....yes she....I think it's a girl. (okay...I didn't think that on my own, Kristi told me you think it's a girl).

Lacey* said...

OK i wanted to ask you so bad the other day...I had a few clues and was pretty sure..but you are still so darn skinny! congrats nat! love ya

Emily said...

congrats!!How exciting!!
So happy for you guys!!!

eden said...

congratulations! that's wonderful!

Lisa Marie Crosby said...

Congrats Natalie! Jon and I guessed you were expecting at Aaron's wedding, and our suspicions are confirmed. We are so happy for you guys! I hope your pregnancy is going well. I hope you have a girl, and our little babies will be best friend cousins!

Fig said...

P.S. There really isn't anything big about a Big Mac. I can put two of those babies away no problem.

P.S.S. Are you going to put one of those freaky floating babies on your sidebar?

M-Ware said...

a big fat big mac sized congratulations. mmm, that sounds good right now.

Dusty and Carol said...

I agree with Fig, male nudity makes me cry too :) - that is no reason to suspect your pregnant! Congratulations!

Shanna said...

Hi. This is Shanna (oaks) denver. I found your blog through Martha's and thought I would say congrats. You have an adorable family. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Another Bobik is a true blessing to everyone. Such exciting news!!

Miss Badonkadonk said...

Congratulations!!! That's so exciting! We already have number two on the way and it seems like just last halloween that you and Molly and I got all dressed up and went to that party. Remember???
-Emily (McNamara) Gile

Angie said...

Congratulations from the McGruders...that's very exciting!

Anna-Lena and Eric said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Three is so much fun (sometimes)?! Hope all is well and we love you. Hope Daniel's ego is ok too.

cathol said...

congrats Natalie on your third! Jennie Gillis forwarded me your blog, how funny to find you. What a darling family you have and you look great! Remember those great Ricks days!

Stefani Bellows said...

Congrats Natalie! Wow 3...good for you!

Molly Bea said...

I'm laughing!!!

Newmans said...

Yeah! I had a feeling it wasn't far from happening. Congrats, that is exciting!

Adventures in Petersonland said...

youre so funny! congrats natalie! and i agree with your friend, naked dudes are purdy scary! lol!

Caitlin said...

So I'm a little slow, but . . .

Natalie! Congrats!!!! That's great. I hope you're feeling good.