Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Disneyland in the PM

Wednesday night we went back to Disneyland, without kids, it was awesome!!! Seriously, who takes kids to Disneyland when you can have so much more fun without them :). We were all just a little too excited to be there (OK, that was just me and Kristi...again!) We spent our time in lines seeing who could do the ugliest poses, faces, etc. You can be the judge, but first this special video presentation from Kristi to you.... ENJOY and remember, we weren't drunk, I promise!










Please tell me which picture is the ugliest, I'm dying to know...


faith said...

honestly, i think #7 is pretty ugly. that has my vote! looks like a wonderful time.
oh, and when are we going to see you? :)

Fig said...

None of you can even compete with #7, sorry. It rocks.

There seems to be a butt-grabbing theme in pictures of you and Daniel . . .

Emily said...

8 and 10 are tied!
Seeing the video of kristi made me miss her.. you guys are too much fun! love that your posting again!

faith said...

oh, and i love that you and daniel match! :)